
Dragon's Eye, Level Three (AR4003)
The third level of Dragon's Eye is one of the more combat-intensive areas of the game. Here you will encounter blast skeletons, skeleton archers, imbued wights, poison zombies, undead lieutenants, and huge packs of cold wights. You would be well-advised to proceed slowly; otherwise, you may be forced to fight more monsters than you can handle, as many of the large packs of wights are located in close proximity to one another. Another reason to proceed slowly is that the area is heavily trapped. The route to the exit to level four is protected by nine traps, and many of the wooden pathways are trapped as well. Remember to check the bodies of any skeleton archers you kill, as they often contain nice arrows or weapons, and beware the blast skeletons. When they die, they release Snilloc's Snowball Storm, which can cause significant damage to your lesser party members. Try to pick off the blast skeletons with ranged weapons, so that when they die your party is not within the damage area of the snowballs.
Monsters: Blast Skeleton, Cold Wight, Imbued Wight, Poison Zombie, Presio, Skeletal Archer, Undead Lieutenant.
Areas of Interest
- Forced Conversations As you proceed through this level, you will encounter five undead lieutenants who will engage you in forced conversations. These conversations are not especially enlightening, but they do clue you in to the fact that someone or something is controlling the monsters (489, 452; 1659, 700; 2018, 1507; 762, 2156; 2289, 2175).
- Presio This is a fairly large battle, so if you need to rest or equip ranged weapons, do so before crossing in front of the doorway. Inside, we found ten poison zombies, three imbued wights, and Presio (3274, 2212). To avoid fighting them all at once, walk in front of the doorway without entering. Some of the monsters will come out to attack you. Presio was carrying a Necromancer's Robe (+3% magic resistance, +3 to saving throws vs. paralyze/poison/death magic), Hammer Flail +2 (4-9 damage, +2 THACO, 15% chance of stunning target), and Presio's Dagger (3-6 damage, +2 THACO, target poisoned when struck). There are three shelves/containers with treasure in the northwest corner of the room. Beware of traps, as two of the containers are trapped, and there are two additional traps on the floor in front of them. We found the following: left container (3172, 1930) had skulls, one Detonation Arrow, Cursed Oil of Speed, and Potion of Absorption; right container (3398, 1971) had a Skull Trap scroll, Vampiric Touch scroll, Confusion scroll, Potion of Agility, and a Bottle of Marsember Blush Wine; and middle container (3344, 1925) had a Haste scroll and Presio's War Journal. Read the journal to find out a few details about the various personalities you have met or will meet in the future.
- Exit This door (3408, 352) leads you level four. Make sure you are well-stocked before entering level four, as it will be the most difficult obstacle you've encountered thus far.
- Exit This door takes you back to level two.
Walkthrough Index