Dark Alliance II

This section contains all the information you need about Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II, including playable characters, encounters, game information, help, and media.


Here you will find basic and detailed information about playable characters, bonus characters, character abilities and feats.

The Forgotten Realms are populated with all manner of man and beast, some of which will help you and some of which will try and kill you. This section gives you information on the locations, monsters and non player characters that you may encounter on your travels.
Game Information

Turn your eyes here for all manner of insight into the features, maps, system requirements and story behind Dark Alliance II.

Do you require assistance? PlanetBaldursGate has a complete help section dedicated to helping you make it through the game trouble free.

Every adventurer dreams of a well-stocked inventory with which he or she can combat the forces of evil. This section is perhaps the most valuable of all, for it contains detailed lists of armor, weapons, amulets, rings, potions and their magical properties. We have also included a guide to upgrading items with gems.

If you're looking for Dark Alliance II media, we have all the concept art, files, and screenshots you could ever desire.

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