Ice Caves Level 2
Level two of the ice caves gives you three new monsters to fight: winter wolves, ice spiders and frost giants. Winter wolves are bigger than their normal cousins and have a cold-breath-weapon attack that will slow you down. Ice spiders are just like the others you will face. Frost giants are so big, when they fall your controller vibrates. Nothing really of note in this area other than a few chests scattered here and there. Make sure you explore everywhere so you don't miss anything. Make your way north to the entrance to level three and the final battle of Act II.
Monsters: Displacer Beast, Frost Giant, Ice Spider, Giant Ice Spider, Winter Wolf
- Starting Point: This is where you start this level of the ice caves and is the way back to the level one. Kill everything and explore everywhere. Make your way north to the entrance to level three and the final battle of Act II.
- Save Pedestals: These are the save pedestals. Use them often and with multiple slots in case of disaster.
- Entrance to Ice Caves Level Three: This takes you down to level three of the ice caves. Take a deep breath, for you have a nice fight coming up. Once you enter level three you cannot go back to this level. Make sure you use a Recall Potion back to the mining camp now to sell and restock. Make sure you save your game now.
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