Are you in need of assistance? We can help with information including an extensive walkthrough, how to use the controller and even how to cheat.
Walkthrough PS2/Xbox/GC
Need some help getting through an area? Look no further. We have a guide featuring annotated maps to help you every step of the way. Fear not about being spoiled, our friendly index system lets you choose what map to see.
Walkthrough GameBoy Advance
Stuck on the GameBoy Advance release? For this custom version of the game, we've put together a custom guide complete with maps.
The Controllers
What does this button do and when do you push that button? No worries here friend, we explain the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and GameBoy Advance controllers in detail.
Is there a devil on your shoulder telling you to cheat the game? Shrug off the halo wearing side and view upon the cheats.