Trash Warrens
The Trash Warrens connect Ragpicker's Square to the Buried Village.
Points of Interest
- If you mess up your conversation with Anamoli, you will have to fight your way through here.
- A portal in the upper left will take you to a room with cranium rats. In the crate, you will find a Sadistic Frame, a Club of Nettles, charms, and a scroll of Magic Missile.
- Talk Bish into letting you pass for 1200 XP.
- Bish has an Enchanted Battle Axe.
Trash Warrens
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Anamoli
- Bish
- To Secret Room
- To Trash Warrens
- To Ragpicker's Square
- To Buried Village
Items (Yellow)
- Sadistic Frame
Club of Nettles Scroll of Magic Missile
- High Quality Stiletto