Buried Village
The Buried Village is ruled by Pharod, who has an important quest early in the game.
Points of Interest
- You can buy and sell items with Quint.
- You can rest at Marta's. She also sells items. Have Marta remove your intestines for 500 XP and a Twisted Ring.
- [Ill-Wind Court] After Pharod dies, return to get his stuff. To the left of his throne is the portal to Pharod's Vault, activated by his crutch. In the Vault are some charms, Lady of Pain Doll, Stinger Earring, Glass Eye, and scrolls of Chromatic Orb, Swarm Curse, and Magic Missile.
- Quint will ask you to get his necklace from Gris. Gris is the corpse in the Crypt of the Embraced. When you learn how to talk with the dead return and talk with him. The necklace is buried in a pile of trash to the left of Marta's house. Return it for 7,500 XP.
- Uhir will ask you to return his lucky knife to him. Talk with the Knifed Ghoul in the Dead Nations. Trade 6 rat tails for the knife and receive 600 XP. Then return the knife for 5,000 XP.
- Ku'u Yin will ask you to get his name back from Radine for him. Talk to Radine to get the name and 250 XP. Return to Ku'u for 2,500 XP and Ku'u will give you The Number of Ku'u Yin.
- [Ill-Wind Court] Pharod will ask you to get a Bronze Sphere for him. You will find the sphere in the Drowned Nations. Return it for 15,000 XP. Keep questioning Pharod about what he took off you for a note, Gehraise's Ring and 1000 XP. Annah will now join your party.
Buried Village
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Radine
- Ku'u Yin
- Uhir
- Barr
- To Trash Warrens
- To Catacombs
Items (Yellow)
- Quint's Poison Charm
Buried Village Buildings
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Pharod
- Portal to Pharod's Vault
- Ojo
- Quint
- Marta
Pharod's Vault
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Portal to Ill-Wind Court
Items (Yellow)
- Scroll of Chromatic Orb
Scroll of Magic Missile
- Scroll of Swarm Curse
- Lady of Pain Rag Doll
- Angle-Less Eye
- Stinger Earring