Head past all the devils to the Pillar of Skulls.
Points of Interest
- You will encounter cornugons, red abishai, green abishai, black abishai, nupperibos, and lemures.
- The Damsel in Distress is a trap by some green abishai.
- Talk with the Pillar of Skulls. For each question you ask, you will need to give the Pillar something. The requirements are the location of Fhjull, the Modron Toy, return Morte to the Pillar, or some of your blood. If you give Morte to the Pillar, you can pull him out for HP -5. Giving your blood to the Pillar is HP -15.
- The portal to leave Baator is in the southwest corner (X 730, Y 2310).
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Damsel in Distress
- To Pillar of Skulls
- Portal to Outlands
Pillar of Skulls
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Pillar of Skulls
- To Baator