Lower Ward
The Lower Ward has the Great Foundry, the Siege Tower and Lothar's House.
Points of Interest
- The first time you enter the Lower Ward some wererats will kidnap Morte so empty his inventory first. To get him back, enter the Wrecked House and go down the ladder. Do not anger Lothar because he can kill you. Lothar will appear and ask you to enter the tomb in the Drowned Nations. Tell him it's empty for 30,000 XP. Then he will ask for a skull of great value. You will need the skull of Soego, Acaste, Hargrimm, the Silent King, or Stale Mary from the Dead Nations. Give him a skull for 15,000 XP. He will now sell you items and cure your party.
- You can buy and sell things at the Pawn Shop.
- Mantuok has The Grimoire of Pestilential Thought. The book has lots of advice. The book also offers power, but it comes at a cost. The cost is that it will turn you evil. Pour your blood on it for a scroll of Blindness. Sell a party member into slavery by talking with Vrischika at the Curiosity Shoppe in the Clerk's Ward and you will receive a scroll of Adder's Kiss. Kill a party member for a scroll of Power Word, Kill.
- Korur will train you as a fighter. He can teach you up to grandmastery (5 proficiency points) in each weapon.
- Xanthia will tell you about how she set up a fight between three thokola and an abishai. Warn the thokola for 6,000 XP. Return to Xanthia for 2,000 XP.
- If you talk with Yi'minn, him and Dak'kon will start to fight. Then, five more Githyanki will attack you.
- If you are smart enough, you will remember you have a large bag of coins in the Warehouse.
- Don't anger Scofflaw Penn in the Print Shop.
- Glitspur will sell items and rent rooms.
- Ask Byron Pikit why he is in the Lower Ward for 2,000 XP.
- You cannot have Dak'kon in your party. Help An'azi by killing her for 4,000 XP.
- You cannot have Dak'kon in your party. After you help An'azi, Yi'minn will offer to help you regain your memories. Follow him and you will be amushed by more Githyanki. Either kill them or let them kill you. While you are dying, you will over hear about an attack on a Githzerai fortress. Talk to Kii'na and tell her about it for 8,000 XP.
- Ask Lenny to train you as a thief for 2,500 XP and Punch Daggers of Zar'Anun.
- [Open Air Market] Cinder will sell magic scrolls, Anze will sell weapons, and Aalek will sell charms and magic items. You will find a Clipped Copper Charm.
- [Open Air Market] Talk with Lazlo to learn how to enter the Seige Tower.
- [Great Foundry] You can join the Godsmen by talking with Kheldor.
- [Great Foundry] After completing Kheldor's three quests (see below), you may choose to join the Godsmen and will receive 8,000 XP. Keldor will now sell items and let you rest. Talk with Keldor about the secret project and he will give you a Godsmen Token. You can now see the secret project by showing a guard the Token.
- [Great Foundry] After becoming a Godsmen, talk with Sarossa for +1 wisdom.
- [Siege Tower] Have Coaxmetal make the Blade of the Immortal for you and receive 10,000 XP.
- Sebastion will ask you to kill Grosuk for him. If you choose to tell Grosuk that Sebastion can't keep his part of the contract, Grosuk will go kill him. If you kill Grosuk, Sebastion will give you 4,000 XP and +2 charisma.
- Talk with Trist who will tell you about being sold into slavery. She will ask you to prove her innocent. Talk with Deran about her. Talk with Byron Pikit and tell him that someone stole it for 1,000 XP. Then talk with Lenny and tell him Byron sent you. Ask him for the stolen document for 1,000 XP, then tell him you are working for Trist for 1,000 XP. Then he will tell you how to get the document and evidence to put Byron in prison for 4,000 XP. Go to the Warehouse to claim the documents. Take the document to Deran who will free Trist for 4,000 XP. Then, talk to Trist for 4000 XP. Give the evidence to Corvus in the Open Air Market for 2,000 XP.
- Talk to Corvus to find out he likes Karina. Talk with Karina and tell her you like her for 2,000 XP. Return to Corvus and tell him about Karina for 2,000 XP. Then talk with Karina for 500 XP.
- Glitspur will ask you to take a note to Scofflaw Penn. Deliver the note and return for 6,000 XP. Then he will give you a note to take to Keldor in the Great Foundry. Return for 6,000 XP. He will ask you to talk a note to Barkis in the Smoldering Corpse Bar in the Southeast Hive. Deliver the note and return for 8,000 XP.
- Dimtree will ask you to tell Sebastion to release him. Sebastion will teach you how to free Dimtree and give you 4,000 XP. Return to Dimtree and release him for 4,000 XP.
- [Great Foundry] Talk with Keldor, who will send you to make a weapon. First, talk with Nadilin to get your equipment. Then, talk with Thildon to get ore. Now make an item at the forge and return to Keldor for 8,000 XP.
- [Great Foundry] Next, Keldor will ask you to investigate a murder. Talk with Alissa Tield about the murder. She will tell you about the three suspects Thildon, Bedai-Lihn, and Saros. Speak with them, then go to Keldor to make you decision. You will receive 10,000 XP.
- [Great Foundry] Keldor will ask you to convince Sandoz not to kill himself. Return for 12,000 XP.
- [Great Foundry] Nihl Xander will talk to you about your dream machine. First, he will ask you to get a piece of your flesh in a bottle of your blood. Go to the Apothocary in the Clerk's Ward and get it. Return with it and Nihl will send you to get a Razor Bird Cage from Coaxmetal in the Seige Tower. Return with the Bird Cage and Nihl will send you to get a coffin pillow from Hamyrs. Hamyrs will send you to the Warehouse to get the pillow. Return the pillow to Nihl for 16,000 XP and the Dream Key. You can now enter the Dream Machine.
- [Great Foundry] After getting your legacy from the Advocate, return and get the Unfolding Portal for 40,000 XP.
Lower Ward
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Sebastion
- Xanthia
- Thorp, Zerb, Gort
- Korur
- Byron Pikit
- Giltspur
- Lenny
- Vorten
- Grosuk
- Trist
- Deran
- An'azi
- Yi'minn
- Ki'ina
- To Alley of Lingering Sighs
- To Clerk's Ward
- Siege Tower Portal
Lower Ward Buildings
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Coaxmetal
- Hamrys
- Dimtree
- Miccah
- Brokah
- Scofflaw Penn
- Vault of the Ninth World
- Leena
- Conall
- Otis
- Lazlo
- Cinder
- Corvus
- Karina
- Anze
- Aelek
- Drixel
Bones of the Night
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Ladder Down
- To Warrens
- To Lothar's Room
- Lothar
- Mantuok
- To Weeping Stone Catacombs
The Great Foundry
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Keldor
- Sarossa
- Saros
- Bedai-Lihn
- Nihl Xander
- Sandoz
- Thildon
- Alissa Tield
- Forge
- Nadalin
- Kel'lera
- To Lower Ward
Items (Yellow)
- Tongs
Forge Hammer