Modron Maze
The Modron Cube, available at the Curiosity Shoppe in the Clerk's Ward, is actually a portal to a mechanical dungeon.
Points of Interest
- To get to the Modron Maze you will need to buy the Modron Toy from the Curiosity Shoppe. Take it to a modron in the Brothel and ask about it. Then manipulate the toy in the order of left knee, left wing, right wing, right arm to go to the maze. You will have to fight your way though the maze and get to the control room. Talk with the modron engineer and become the manager. You can now switch between easy, medium and hard level.
- You can rest in the room that connects the control room and the maze.
- The easy maze has 16 rooms with Low Threat Constructs (500 XP). The medium maze has 36 rooms with Medium Threat Constructs (1,000 XP). The hard maze has 61 rooms with High Threat Constructs (4,000 XP) and two special rooms.
- One of these special rooms has Nordom. You receive 36,000 XP when you tell him to clear his memory. By talking with him, you gain +2 intelligence. Nordom can be made to drop a Stinger Earring, Glass Eye, Fanged Mirror of Yehcir-Eya, Twisted Gear of Enoll Eva and Magnifying Lens. Nordom can make Rule-of-Three Bolts.
- The other special room has Rubikon, the Evil Wizard Constuct, and some High Threat Constructs. He carries a Portal Lens, scroll of Mechanus Cannon and a Rod of Modron Might.
- The following can be found randomly in the mazes: Retractable Scope, Nordom's Ocular, Stealth Lens, Optix, Rods of Modron Might, Magnifying Lens, Jagged Bolts, Zephyr Bolts, Fanged Bolts, Lens of Conditioning, Portal Lens, Mirror of Quality, Bolts of Kessek the Devourer and charms.
Modron Maze
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Modron
- Modron Engineer
- Nordom
- Evil Wizard Construct