Northeast Hive
The Northeast Hive features the Mortuary, the Gathering Dust Bar and the Mausoleum.
Points of Interest
- Remove the cobblestone from The Post for 250 XP.
- Talk with Pox to get back into the Mortuary. If you pretend to be dead and the Dustman believe it, you will get 500 XP.
- Talk with the Dustman Guards to get into the Mortuary.
- You can rest in the Open Tomb.
- Learn to talk with a Dabus for 1,000 XP.
- Shilandra has a Ring of the Traveler. You can either kill her or steal it.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] Talk Awaiting-Death out of killing himself for 500 XP.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] Talk with Sere the Skeptic for 500 XP.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] You can begin to sign a Dead Contract with Mortai Gravesend for 500 XP. If you finish signing it, you will get 250 XP.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] You can begin to sign a Dead Contract with Emoric for 500 XP. If you finish signing it, you will get 250 XP.
- Ingress will tell you of her fear of portals. Talk to Candrian in the Smoldering Corpse Bar in the Southeast Hive. Return to Ingress and tell her about Candrian, then return to Candrian for 750 XP and Ingress' Teeth.
- Sev'Tai will tell you of how some Starved Dog Barking Thugs killed her sisters. Kill three Starved Dog Barking Thugs in the Southeast Hive for her, then return for 250 XP and a copper earring.
- Baen the Sender will ask you to get a message to Craddock in the marketplace. Return to Baen for 500 XP.
- [Angyar's House] Angyar's wife will tell you of how her husband signed a death contract with Mortai Gravesend in the Gathering Dust Bar. She wants you to get the contract for him. Talk Mortai into believing the contract is disrupting Angyar's path to the True Death, and Mortai will give you the contract and 500 XP. Return to Angyar and rip it up for 750 XP. Talk to Angyar about Pharod for 500 XP. You can now rest here and buy items from Angyar's wife.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] Norochj will ask you to investigate the disturbances in the mausoleum. Return to him when you are done for 1,000 XP.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] Emoric will ask you to find where Pharod is getting his bodies. Return and tell him for 2,500 XP.
- [Gathering Dust Bar] If you want to join the Dustmen talk with Emoric. Emoric will send you to Norochj who will ask you to find a thief disguised as a Dustman. The thief is Ash-Mantle in the Southwest Hive. Kill him, then return to Norochj for 750 XP. Emoric will then ask you to talk to Awaiting-Death. Talking to him, then return for 250 XP. Emoric will send you to talk to Sere the Skeptic. Talk with Sere and return for 500 XP. Emoric will then ask you to find Soego. After meeting Soego in the Dead Nations, return and tell Emoric about it. You will get 2,500 XP, and you can now join the Dustmen. If you join, you will get 2,500 XP, and Emoric will sell items and let you rest.
- [Mausoleum] When you enter, the Guardian Spirit will ask you to remove the necromancer causing the disturbance. Proceed though the Mausoleum and kill the mage. He has a Bone Dagger, Magus Guard, and some scrolls: Ice Knife, Chromatic Orb, and Strength. On your way out, the Guardian Spirit will reward you with 2,000 XP.
Northeast Hive
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Pox
- Annah
- The Post
- Baen the Sender
- Sev-Tai
- Death-of-Names
- Quentin
- Ingress
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Shilandra
- Angyar
- Angyar's Wife
- Mortai Gravesend
- Awaiting-Death
- Sere the Skeptic
- Norochj
- Factor Emoric
- Old Coppereyes
- Strahan Runeshadow
Items (Yellow)
- Penn's Note
- Strahan's Diary
Bone Dagger Scroll of Strength Scroll of Chromatic Orb
NPCs/Points of Interest
- To Masoleum Inner Room
- To Northeast Hive