Outer Curst
Outer portion of the town of Curst, including the Traitor's Gate Tavern.
Points of Interest
- You will find a Whispering Flask, Displacer Ring, and some charms.
- [Blacksmith] Crumplepunch will buy and sell weapons. In his chest are some Magic Punch Daggers and the Axe of the Jester.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Barse will sell items and rent rooms.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] You will find two Frosted Mint Candies, Magic Punch Daggers, a Silver Pin, a Minaurosian Chocolate, and some charms.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Talk to Tainted Barse who will tell you he knows where the Deva is. This begins a long series of quests. He will send you to Marquez who will ask you save Barse's daughter at the eastern side of Inner Curst. Rescue Jasilya and return to Marquez for 65,000 XP. Marquez will now train you as a fighter and send you to Kitla.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Kitla will send you to get the legacies from Crumplepunch and Kester. You have the following options:
- Side with Kester for 131,250 XP. Crumplepunch will raise his prices now.
- Side with Crumplepunch for 131,250 XP. Kester will be mad at you.
- Split the money they both make for 150,000 XP. Kester will be mad at you.
- Give both brothers nothing for 150,000 XP. They will both be mad at you.
- Give the legacies to Kitla for 150,000 XP. They will both be mad at you.
If you ask Kitla to train you as a mage, she will give you a scroll of Abyssal Fury. Kitla will send you to talk with Nabat.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Nabat will send you to talk with the Dump Caretaker about his problem with thugs. The Caretaker will send you to Wernet in the southwest of Inner Curst. Talk with Wernet and return to the Caretaker upon which time you will be attacked by three thugs. Save the Caretaker and he will heal your party. Return to Nabat and have him train you as a thief for 43,250 XP. Nabat will send you to Dallan.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Dallan will send you to help An'izius in Inner Curst. He will ask you to tell the Guard Captain that Siabha hired you to kill him. You can:
- Tell the Guard Captain Siabha sent you to kill An'izius. Return to An'izius for 100,000 XP. Return to Dallan for 87,500 XP.
- Tell the Guard Captain to arrest both of them for 200,000exp. Return to Dallan for 87,500 XP.
- Tell the Guard Captain An'izius sent you to kill Siabha. Return to Siabha for 100,000 XP. Return to Dallan for 87,500 XP.
Dallan will send you to talk with Dona Quisho.
- [Traitor's Gate Tavern] Dona Quisho will ask you to free a fiend locked in the Grain Silo. Go to the Silo and use the scroll to free the fiend for 60,000 XP. Talk to the tanar'ri about a deal. He agrees to give you a Heartgrinder for his freedom. You can:
- Free him for the Heartgrinder. Return to Dona for 131,250 XP.
- Kill him. Return to Dona for 131,250 XP.
- Summon him but don't free him. Return and make Dona free him for 131,250 XP.
Talk with Barse who will send you to Curst Underground.
Outer Curst
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Roberta
- Dump Caretaker
- To Inner Curst
- To Curst Underground
Items (Yellow)
- Displacer Ring
Whispering Flask
Outer Curst Buildings
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Tainted Barse
- Marquez
- Kitla
- Dallan
- Nabat
- Dona Quisho
- Berrog
- Chek'ka Plute
- Crumplepunch Malako
- Pentagram
Items (Yellow)
- Magic Punch Daggers
- Silver Hairpin
- Frosty Mint Candy
Minaurosian Candy
- Frosty Mint Candy
- Magic Punch Daggers
Axe of the Jester