Ragpicker's Square
Located in this pile of trash is a portal to the Trash Warrens and Buried City.
Points of Interest
- You will need some junk to open the portal to the Trash Warrens in the upper left corner.
- Talk with Marrow-Fiend and let him take a bite of you in exchange for the finger he is holding. Replace your finger with the one Marrow-Fiend gave you, and you will get Mempa's Biting Ring.
- Opening the door near Marrow-Fiend will reveal a portal. The portal takes you to a house with no doors. Wait for a moment and Vlask will join you. You can either buy your way out or kill him.
- Yellow-Fingers will claim you stole Morte from him. You can kill him, buy Morte from him or walk away. You will gain 200 XP if you catch him picking your pocket.
- Ratbone can train you as a theif for 50 cp. You will receive 3,750 XP.
- [Mebbeth's Hut] Old Mebbeth can heal you, sell charms and scrolls, and will allow you to rest.
- Jarym will ask you to get a ruby of quality for him. The ruby he wants is Moridor's Ruby (see Alley of Dangerous Angles). Bring it to him for 500 XP.
- Nodd will ask you to find his sister Amarysse. Amarysse is standing near the Smoldering Corpse Bar in the Southeast Hive. Talk to her and she will give you 100 cp to give to Nodd. Return and give him the cp for 750 XP.
- Sharegrave will ask you to find where Pharod is getting his bodies from. Return and tell him for 750 XP.
- [Mebbeth's Hut] Mebbeth will train you as a mage, but you must first do some tasks for her. Take the seed she gives you to the merchant in the marketplace selling fruit for 500 XP, and he will send you to Mourns-for-Trees in the Southeast Hive. Talk to Mourns-for-Trees and will the seed to grow for 500 XP. Return to Mebbeth and remove the barbs for 500 XP. Then, make it into a frame for 750 XP. Mebbeth will now send you to the marketplace to get her wash from Giscorl. Get the wash for 500 XP, and return the wash for 500 XP. Now, Mebbeth will send you to get ink from Kossah-Jai. Kossah doesn't have the ink, but she will send you to Meir'am to get it. Meir'am has the ink, but you need something to carry it in. Return to the marketplace and buy a tankard from a merchant. Get the ink, and return to Mebbeth for 1,000 XP. Continue talking to her for 2,000 XP. Wait for her and you will get 5,000 XP, Amber Earrings, and scrolls of Chromatic Orb, Identity, and Blood Bridge.
Ragpicker's Square
NPCs/Points of Interest
- Yellow-Fingers
- Ratbone
- Nodd
- Marrow-Fiend
- Vlask's Trap
- Junk Portal
- To Trash Warrens
- To Northwest Hive
- Old Mebbeth
- Vlask
- Shargrave
- Jarym