Baldur's Gate II | Walkthrough | Big Metal Unit | Golden Pantaloons
Golden Pantaloons - Baldur’s Gate

In the beginning of Baldur's Gate, the story line pushes you really hard to go to the Friendly Arm Inn to speak with Jaheira and Khalid. Follow the story along and go there.

Friendly Arm Inn

On the third floor of this fine establishment, you will find a Nobleman located at X 325 Y 673. Agree to do his laundry and he just up and gives you the Golden Pantaloons.


What a nice pair of pantaloons they are! On top of that, if you are nice, he will give you a few gold pieces to boot. Not a bad deal.

Golden Pantaloons

Make sure you save them the rest of the game, and have them in inventory when you export your character for import into Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.

  1. Acquiring The Golden Pantaloons
  2. Acquiring The Silver Pantaloons
  3. Acquiring The Bronze Pantalettes
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