Baldur's Gate | Media | Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones
Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones Media

Below you can find the Screenshots, a Video and a list of Carriers and Handsets used for Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones.

Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones Screenshots

Title Screen Along the River Casting a Spell
In Combat Need to Heal Spike Traps
When Golems Attack

Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones Playtime Video

Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones Video (1.44 MB) A video showing the game being played.

Baldur's Gate for Mobile Phones Carrier and Handset List

List of Carriers and Handsets (20 KB) A list of what carries and handsets can be used to play Baldur's Gate for Mobile phones in Microsoft Excel format. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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