Baldur's Gate | Media | Files

Here you may find all manner of files for Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast that may aid you in your quests in the Forgotten Realms.

Top 50 List

Check out the fifty top Baldur's Gate downloads at FilePlanet!
Patches and Scripting

Official patches that will bring you up to date with the most current version of the games. Also in this section are script editors and documents.
Custom Sounds and Portraits

Other adventurers have supplied us with a treasure trove of custom sounds and portraits. Plunder their riches!
Movies, Music and other Goodies

Do you seek visions of Baldur's Gate? Ballads written in her honor? More? Look inside.

A complete guide that will take you through your journeys step-by step, these walkthroughs are an invaluable tool for anyone who wishes to see all that Baldur's Gate has to offer.

Unofficial expansions by fans of the Baldur's Gate series. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
TeamXbox | Planets | Vaults | VE3D | CheatsCodesGuides | GameStats | GamerMetrics | Rotten Tomatoes | Direct2Drive | Green Pixels
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