Icewind Dale II | Character | Classes | Rogues
Rogues - Rogues and Bards

Rogues live off the hard work of others or as musically oriented bards. Rogues come in many varieties. From stealthy thieves, to clever tongued tricksters, to scouts, spies or thugs. Generally, they are the person that can get things others do not wish them to get. Be it from a locked chest, locked door or someone else's pockets and more. The bard wanders the land gathering lore and using his music to live off the gratitude of others. When a bard finds himself in a situation of conflict, he/she generally serves as a diplomat, scout or spy. As they rise in levels, rogues and bards gain additional attacks per round using the 3rd Edition Base Attack Bonus rules. The experience point progression of rogues is summarized here. Rogues also employ the special ability to sneak attack victims. In Icewind Dale II, once a bard reaches level 2, he/she can cast a limited amount of spells.

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