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Note: the difficulty factor is for how hard it is to acquire the NPCs; it is not for how hard it is to play with those particular NPCs.
For example, the 'Solo' character has a difficulty rating of '0' because there are no NPCs to pickup; however, it is undoubtedly one of the harder ways to play the game.
I made a small weighting factor for each NPC; then I simply added them up to get the difficulty factor. This was rather subjective because different styles of play can make one NPC easy to get for one player while it might be difficult to pick up that same NPC using a different play style.
*** this list has also been sorted by class type - fighters, paladins, etc. (it also includes one line description of party theme) ***
Theme (difficulty) Character Specs NPCs
Solo (0) Kuroitaka, Kensai->Thief Male TN Human -solo-
POWs (1) Raspin Caine, Mage Male NG Half-Elf Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, Yoshimo
Bar Flies (2) Medial Soupcon, Jester Male CN Human Anomen, Korgan, Nalia
Tough Guys! (3) Hidoi Hiryuu, Kensai Male TN Human Minsc, Anomen, Korgan
Humans (3) Carmen d'Sante,Inquisitor Female LG Human Imoen, Anomen, Nalia
Kensai-Mage (3) Guinavere Yumaki, Kensai->Mage Female TN Human Anomen, Nalia
Archers (4) Carolyne Falls, Archer Female LG Elf Minsc, Yoshimo, Imoen, Valygar
Talkers (5) Hajdon Moor,Druid Male TN Half-Elf Minsc, Nalia, Jan Jansen
Stealth (6) Armis Rautio, Stalker Male CG Half-Elf Imoen, Yoshimo, Nalia, Valygar
Male Harem (6) Shea Wellstone, Sorceress Female LN Elf Minsc, Yoshimo, Anomen, Valygar
NG (6) Lemwood Firth, Priest of Lathander Male NG Dwarf Imoen, Minsc, Nalia, Valygar
Ranger Duty (7) Avalon Veil,Ranger Female NG Elf Yoshimo, Nalia , Aerie
Middle of the Road (7) Gavlon Ironfist,Beserker Male TN Dwarf Yoshimo, Jaheira, Cernd
The Protector (7) Mokin Glott, Barbarian Male NG Half-Orc Imoen, Nalia, Aerie
Jaheira's Cousin (7) Lukas Flint, Druid/Fighter Male TN Half-Elf Jaheira, Aerie, Jan Jansen
Dragon Slayer (9) Sir Calvin Meran, Cavalier Male LG Human Minsc, Nalia, Cernd
Tree Huggers! (10) Samir Creng,Beast Master Male NG Human Minsc, Jaheira, Valygar, Cernd
Elves (13) Stefan Qven,Bounty Hunter Male LN Elf Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia
Conflict (13) Sir Lancaster, Paladin Male LG Human Yoshimo, Korgan, Jan Jansen, Viconia
No Magic! (13) Aleyr Evenstar, Wizard Slayer Female LN Elf Yoshimo, Korgan , Mazzy
Clerics (15) Johannes Sterling, Cleric Male LN Human Anomen, Aerie, Viconia
Lovers-1 (15) Marlon Fletcher, Swashbuckler Male CG Half-Elf Jaheira, Anomen, Aerie, Viconia
Lovers-2 (15) Marion Fletcher, Swashbuckler Female CG Half-Elf Jaheira, Anomen, Aerie, Viconia
Female Harem (17) Rotter Omark, Illusionist Male CG Gnome Nalia, Aerie, Mazzy
Ladies' Knight (17) Sir Harold Quay, Cavalier Male LG Human Jaheira, Nalia, Aerie, Mazzy
Good Guys (20) Hezakiah Pearl,Undead Hunter Male LG Human Aerie, Keldorn, Mazzy
Country Folk (20) Dark Fury, Monk Female LN Human Valygar, Mazzy, Cernd
Chaotic (20) Aura Wakelight, Priest of Helm Female CN Human Korgan, Jan Jansen, Haer'Dalis
Good Lookin'! (21) Frieda Niersteiner , Skald Female NG Half-Elf Imoen, Keldorn, Haer'Dalis
Traditional (21) Shandon Faire, Fighter Female LN Human Yoshimo, Viconia, Edwin
Cat Fight (23) Zircrom Fait, Barbarian Female LN Human Mazzy, Viconia, Aerie, Nalia, Jaheira
Evil (23) Faylen Darkspur, Assassin Female LE Halfling Korgan, Viconia, Edwin
Good, Bad & Ugly (25) Ursula Raven, Totemic Druid Female TN Half-Elf Jan Jansen, Mazzy, Edwin
BG-1 (25) Carion Darke, Avenger Female TN Human Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Viconia, Edwin
On the Prowl (27) Omus Verdeen,Shapeshifter Male TN Human Keldorn, Cernd, Haer'Dalis
Low Con (28) The Blue Heron, Monk Male LN Human Viconia, Aerie, Haer'Dalis
Small Blades (30) Emery Wellington, Blade Male TN Half-Elf Nalia, Jan Jansen, Mazzy, Haer'Dalis
Wisdom (33) Arvenge Misten,Priest of Talos Female NE Elf Aerie, Keldorn, Viconia, Haer'Dalis
Entertainers (34) Noreen Meersong , Bard Female LNHuman Aerie, Jan Jansen, Edwin, Haer'Dali
Race Potpourri (38) Slip, Thief Female TN Human Korgan, Jan Jansen, Viconia, Mazzy, Haer'Dalis
Bumblers! (999) The Four Stooges! If you can beat BG2 with this group, then you don't have a life!
Weighting factor difficulty for NPCs (completely arbitrary and subjective)
1 pt if any either Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc or Yoshimo is in your group; note that even if you have all four NPCs, it still only adds 1 point.
2 pts each Anomen, Korgan, Nalia - easy to get; they just hang about in the Copper Coronet.
2 pts Jan Jansen- also easy; find him in the Government District.
3 pts Valygar -have to travel outside Athkatla but no battles are necessary to acquire him.
4 pts Aerie - Small battle to acquire her (2 doppelgangers), but slightly larger battle to escape Circus; easy if you use Haste.
5 pts Keldorn - Small series of battles in Sewer to acquire him; use southern route.
6 pts Cernd - In Trademeet; have a small-medium battle when entering city.
8 pts Viconia - In Government District; need to fight three nasties to obtain her; can be difficult without some preparation or thought.
10 pts Mazzy - In Templar Hills (via Ulmar Hills); have to defeat some shades, shadows, and other mid-level creatures.
12 pts Edwin - In Athkatla but must do series of quests; one is a rather difficult battle against a Wizard in the Docks area.
15 pts Haer'Dalis - Very difficult; must fight or bypass tough group in Sewers; then you must kill Melkrath, which is not all that easy.
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