Icewind Dale II | Character | Classes | Wizards | Schools
Schools of Magic

The spells for wizards are divided into the nine different schools described below. Specialist wizards are restricted to specific schools while regular wizards can use all of them.


Specialist School Opposition School(s) Spell Color
Abjurer Abjuration Illusion, Transmutation Orange
Conjurer Conjuration Divination, Evocation Whitish-Green
Diviner Divination Evocation Blue
Enchanter Enchantment Necromancy Light Green
Illusionist Illusion Abjuration, Necromancy Purple
Evoker Evocation Enchantment, Conjuration Fiery Red
Necromancer Necromancy Illusion, Transmutation Yellow
Transmuter Transmutation Abjuration Dark Green

School Descriptions

Abjuration spells are a group of specialized protective spells. Each is used to prevent or banish some magical or nonmagical effect or creature. They are often used to provide safety in times of great danger or when attempting some other particularly dangerous spell.

Conjuration spells bring something to the caster from elsewhere. Conjuration normally produces matter or items from some other place. Conjuration enables the caster to compel living creatures and powers to appear in his presence to assist him/her.

Divination spells enable the wizard to learn secrets long forgotten, to predict the future, and to uncover things hidden or cloaked by spells.

Enchantment spells can unduly influence the behavior of other beings by manipulating their minds.

Illusions deal with spells to deceive the senses or minds of others. Spells that cause people to see things that are not there, hear noises not made, or remember things that never happened are all illusions.

Evocation spells channel magical energy to create specific effects by the caster to directly shaping the energy.

Necromancy deals with dead things and death releated spells.

Transmutation spells cause a change in the properties of some already existing thing, creature, or physical reality. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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