Icewind Dale II | Character | Spells | Cleric | Casting
Cleric Spell Casting

To cast a spell, the cleric must first have the spell memorized. If it is not memorized, the spell cannot be cast. Each night after eight hours of sleep, the spell caster can memorize the spells for the day. The number of spells is determined by the caster's level, class and ability scores.

Unlike the wizard, the cleric needs no spell book and does not roll to see if he learns spells. Cleric spells are obtained in an entirely different manner. To obtain his spells, a cleric must be faithful to the cause of his deity. If the cleric feels confident in this (and most do), he can pray for his spells. Through prayer, the cleric humbly and politely requests those spells he wishes to memorize. Under normal circumstances, these spells are then granted. Like the wizard, the cleric's level determines how many spells he retains.

The spells of a cleric, while sometimes having powers similar to those of the wizard, are quite different in their overall tone. The cleric's role, more often than not, is as defender and guide for others. Thus, the majority of his spells work to aid others or provide some service to the community in which he lives. Few of his spells are truly offensive, but many can be used cleverly to protect or defend.

When a character takes a level of cleric, they will be required to pick a deity from the following list: Ilmater, Lathander, Selune, Helm, Oghma, Tempus, Bane, Mask, Talos. This is their deity for all cleric levels.

Selecting a deity is restricted by alignment. It also gives you two special advantages and access to domain spells. Domain spells are a special set of spells. For every cleric spell level the character can cast, he or she may cast one domain spell per day, from a list of two per spell level. These alignment restrictions, advantages, and domain spells are listed here. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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