Baldur's Gate Face-Off
Animations and Monsters
We have also spent more time on the background animations. Background animations can be anything from water lapping up on a beach, to a demonic machine that huffs and lurches
in the background. We have a specific team of people that run through the game and identify things that look like "they should be animating" and we do it. This adds so much to the
world and the "realism" of the game itself. Because of engine improvements we can now have much bigger animations in the game. This means whole sections of areas can be
animated. Huge machines, thundering waterfalls and anything else that our artists can dream up, we can now animate.
We have doubled the amount of monsters that exist in the game from what was in BG1. At last count there was something like 230 monsters types with over 120 unique monster
models. This does not include any townsfolk, or humanoid creatures such as evil clerics etc. In total there are literally thousands of creatures in the game. We have changed some of
the underlying code to support VERY large monsters, as a matter of fact some are so big you have to scroll the screen to see them all. We will be letting out a bit more information
about these in the coming weeks. The left image below is from Baldur's Gate, while the right one is from Baldur's Gate II.
So, in summation, the world of Baldur's Gate series has evolved a lot from the original Baldur's Gate. In depth, size and in quality the graphical elements will genuinely make playing
BG2 a more immersive and engrossing experience.