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Poll Archive

Below are archived the various polls that PlanetBaldursGate has run on the front page.

Poll Question Date
What are you looking forward to most in Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II? 4/10/03 - 01/28/04
What is the hardest chapter in Icewind Dale II? 10/16/02 - 4/10/03
What race will your main character be in Icewind Dale II? 7/18/02 - 10/16/02
Which game would you like to see made into a movie? 5/8/02 - 7/18/02
Which type of new/updated graphics are you looking forward to the most in Icewind Dale II? 3/26/02 - 5/8/02
Which new IWD2 changes do you most approve of and will make you purchase it? 2/14/02 - 3/26/02
Which Wizard type is the hardest to play? 1/13/02 - 2/14/02
Which IE game had the best Monster Animations? 11/5/01 - 1/13/02
Which Infinity Engine Game has the best spell effects? 9/25/01 - 11/5/01
What game had the hardest End Boss? 8/10/01 - 9/25/01
What game would you like to see most, if they made another? 7/8/01 - 8/10/01
In BG2: Shadows of Amn, which Stronghold quest was the hardest to complete? 5/28/01 - 7/8/01
What are you looking forward to most in BG2: Throne of Bhaal? 4/29/01 - 5/28/01
Who is the Best NPC One-liner in an Infinity Engine Game? 4/2/01 - 4/29/01
Which chapter in Baldur's Gate II did you enjoy most? 3/6/01 - 4/2/01
Which female NPC has the best one-liners in conversations? 2/27/01 - 3/6/01
Which male NPC has the best one-liners in conversations? 2/8/01 - 2/27/01
Out of the four Infinity engine games, which had the better artwork? 1/17/01 - 2/8/01
What are you looking forward to most in Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter? 11/14/00 - 1/17/01
What is the hardest "new" monster to fight? 10/19/00 - 11/14/00
Which NPC do you think is the most improved from Baldur's Gate I to II? 10/5/00 - 10/18/00

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