The following people work hard to bring you PlanetBaldursGate.
John 'MageDragon' Rawalt Site Director, News Director and Content Developer
MageDragon does the news religiously and enjoys killing every being in the Baldur's Gate series and Icewind Dale series multiple times (just to make sure). The little people in Gullykin are his favorite target. All Halflings must die! Having played D&D and AD&D for many years on pen and paper he switched over to his first CRPG with Pools of Radiance for the Commodore 64. MageDragon is obsessed with dragons and thinks every game should have one. MageDragon started doing the news for Silverdawn back when PlanetBaldursGate was BGChronicles and became Site Directer before the name changed. When not sitting in front of his computer kicking butt for goodness (or killing Halflings), he enjoys spending time with his family and cooking food that the average person can cook/afford.
Glenn 'PrinceZordar' Brensinger HTML and Content Developer
PrinceZordar has been a fan of Computer Role Playing Games since the
Commodore 64 Forgotten Realms Gold Box days. He was a beta tester for
the original "Neverwinter Nights" by SSI and America Online as well as
several Apogee/3D Realms games. When he's not killing things or
blowing stuff up in PC or Xbox video games, PrinceZordar enjoys Star
Wars novels, Anime, motorcycling, and cooking.
Robert 'LadiesMan' Russell Links Czar, Picture of the Day Screenshots and Content Developer
LadiesMan does the links for PlanetBaldursGate. He's a hardcore sci-fi fantasy reader, which led him to the fantasy RPG genre of games. Being semi-artistically inclined he enjoys drawing, and working with computer graphics. His current hope/dream/goal is to become a digital artist and make graphics for games. When not playing games or doing artwork he enjoys sleeping, skating, reading and playing his guitar.
Rebecca 'Lazeron' Phoa HTML and Content Developer
Lazeron is currently helping out with the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II section. She enjoys video games of some varying types--mostly Science Fiction and Fantasy console and PC RPGs. She also has interests in Mythology, Religion for educational and reflective study, and the issues of the video game industry. Star
Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix movies, and the odd video game movie conversion dominate the rest of her current media viewings. She is a Human Resources graduate.
Retired Site Members
Joost 'Silverdawn' Loijens Site Director
Silverdawn took over from Leviticus and Zarth in the fall of 1998 and ran the site for several years including helping with the transformation into PlanetBaldursGate.
Toby 'Leviticus' Herman Co-Founder
Leviticus founded Baldur's Gate Chronicles in February 1998 with an amazing design and was the first webmaster.
Mike 'Zarth' Giest Co-Founder
Zarth co-founded the site after constantly pestering Leviticus to design it.
Peter 'Stonecourier' Messenger Database Developer
Stonecourier developed the databases used on the site: the Character Bank and Items Bank.
Michael 'Pillsburyboy' Adams HTML Programmer and Content Developer
Pillsburyboy helped out with a huge amount of stuff at PlanetBG. HTML, walkthroughs, screenshots and more. Too much to mention here.
Elaine 'Mistress' Hughes HTML Programmer and Content Developer
Mistress helped out with the Icewind Dale II area.