Icewind Dale II | Character | Classes | Tables | Saving Throws
Saving Throws

Icewind Dale II uses 3rd Edition D&D rules for saving throws, the three different kind are categorized below:

  • Fortitude
    Fortitude saves gauge your ability to withstand massive physical abuse/punishment and attacks to ones health like disease, paralysis, poison and instant death magic. The constitution modifier is used with Fortitude saves.
  • Reflex
    Reflex saves gauge your ability to dodge attacks such as fireballs, lightning bolts and dragon breath attacks. The dexterity modifier is used with Reflex saves.
  • Will
    Will saves gauge your resistance mind attacks and mental spells such as charm person, domination and hold person. The wisdom modifier is used with Will saves.
Most classes have one or two good saving throw categories and one bad saving throw categories. A few classes, like the monk, have good saving throws across the board.

When making a roll for saving throws, a random number from 1-20 is generated. The character's base save bonus and modifiers are applied to that roll. If their sum is equal to or greater than the difficulty check of the attack, the save is successful. Although some saving throw difficulty checks are arbitrarily derived, most spells are derived using the following formula:

Spell Level + Caster's Ability Bonus + 10 = Spell difficulty check.

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