Icewind Dale | Character | Classes | Tables | Saving Throws
Saving Throws

Saving Throws are measures of a character's resistance to special types of attacks: poison, magic and attacks that affect the body/mind of the character. Making successful saving throws improves as the character's level increases. When a savings throw is successful, it may reduce or negate the effects of an attack or spell. Below are the five type of saving throws:

Save vs. Paralyzation, Poison and Death Magic
Used when a character is affected by any paralyzing attack, poison of any strength and certain spell/magic that would kill the character outright.

Save vs. Rod, Staff or Wand
Used when a character is affected by any powers from a rod, staff or wand, unless a higher priority save is used.

Save vs. Petrification or Polymorph
Used when a character is turned to stone or polymorphed (shape change) by a spell, magic item and monsters.

Save vs. Breath Weapon
Used when a character is attacked by monsters that use a breath weapon; for instance, Dragons.

Save vs. Petrification or Spell
Used when a character tries to resist a spell by a spellcaster or magical item. | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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