Icewind Dale | Character | Classes | Tables | Lore Ability
Lore Ability

All characters have the ability to identify unknown magical items. Bards are especially good although mages and thieves' also have increased ability. The base scores below are improved by high wisdom and intelligence. Briefly, the bonuses for scores of 15, 16, 17 and 18 are +3, +5, +7 and +10 points, respectively. The two abilities are cumulative so a character with 18 wisdom and 18 intelligence would gain +20 points to their Lore ability.

Class Lore Rating
Bard 10 points/level
Thief 3 points/level
Mage 3 points/level
Other 1 point/level | GameSpy | Comrade | Arena | FilePlanet | GameSpy Technology
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