BG Themes
BGII Goodies
IWD Themes
NWN Goodies
PS:T Themes
Alice Themes
Undying Themes
Heretic II Themes



 Frag your OS!

Replace the E with the UWell here it is, my Unreal Tournament themes. These themes contain 92 high-quality icons and several custom cursors. I've made a couple Internet Explorer toolbar wallpapers and an IE spinning E replacement.

I've already contacted Legend about making a Unreal II theme. If any of you out there have any contacts to or pull with someone there, give me a plug!

Loading... These loads like all my other themes. Unzip to C:\ and look on your start menu programs for Mridalmn's Themes. (only for 95/98/Me) If it's not listed there, you've put the stuff in the wrong place. :-p

Hey! Don't let that FilePlanet Personal Server stuff scare you or catch you unaware. You can still download my files for FREE. Just scroll down past the personal server and hit the public servers!

System screens

Unreal Tournament

UT sound set 2

You must have my main UT theme for sound set 2 to work correctly.

Updated 02/28/2002

All graphics and images are copyrighted by the owners.