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How To Page
How to download, how to unzip, how to etc.
How do I download the portraits?
How do I load the portraits to my PC?
How do I download the saved game files?
How do I load the saved games to my PC?
How are the file names structured?
Why didn't you make one giant zip file of all the characters?
How do I download the portraits?
You must left-click your mouse on the image at the top of each character page. This should prompt you to save a 'zip' file on your disk. (If you right-click, you will only get prompted to save a .jpg image of the portrait which you do not want. Try this example:
A left-click should prompt you for the file 'barm.zip.' This is the file you want to download to your PC.
A right-click will prompt to save the file 'BarbmL.jpg.' You do not want this file; it is only used for display purposes on the character page.
If you hold the cursor over the image, a little window should pop up saying 'Mokin Glott, Barbarian.' This is just an aid to help you identify the character. Not all browsers support this feature so you may not see this message.
How do I load the portraits to my PC?
Copy the downloaded file to the Portraits folder in your BG II directory. If the portraits folder is not present, you will have to create. Simply click on the file to extract the two portraits. In the above example, the files extracted will be:
How do I download the saved game files?
Most characters have three saved game files; left-click on the image to download the game file (don't right-click on the file; that will only get you the image on this page).
"At Start" is the game file saved immediately after the character is rolled up and the program stuffs you into the Irenicus Dungeon. The character at this point has no gold, no experience points and has done absolutely nothing.
"Waukeen's Promenade" is the game file saved just after the character completes the first dungeon and is dumped into Waukeen's Promenade. Jaheira, Minsc and Yoshimo will still be in your party; Imoen, of course,has been relocated (along with Irenicus) to Spell Hold. All the NPCs should be loaded with loot from the dungeon. Imoen's stuff may or may not be lying about near you. In most cases, I have not done any leveling up; in some of the earlier games, I was leveling up the characters as soon as they got enough experience points. I found out that was not really necessary and I figured the player would want to do that themselves.
"Party" is the game saved when the character has acquired all the NPCs (as specified in their Files page). In Mokin's case, Nalia and Aeria are accompanying him. Imoen will join later (we hope). After the character has found the last NPC in his list (except Imoen, of course), the game is then saved. Mokin's game is save just after the Circus quest.
Note that the image for the party always shows a scene in the Copper Coronet but in reality the saved game is wherever the party was located when happened to find their last NPC.
In general, the file names always start with the first three or four characters of the class name. Thus, all the Barbarian files start with 'bar' or 'barb.' The image file will simply be 'barm.zip.' If there is more than one type of that class (such as a male and female barbarian), an additional letter is added. In this case, I added an 'm' to indicate 'male.' The game files add one number after the 'bar' to indicate which type of game file it is. All files associated with the Barbarian are thus:
barm.zip Portrait Files barm1.zip At Start Game File barm2.zip Waukeen's Promenade Game File barm3.zip Party Complete Game File
How do I load the saved games to my PC?
Save the downloaded file to your BG saved games folder (normally C:\Program Files\Black Isle\SoA\save). If you saved it somewhere else, then copy the file to this folder. Download Winzip (if you haven't yet done so) and install it on your PC. Then just click on the game file. A saved game folder will be created automatically and the game information will be copied to that folder.
If you downloaded 'barb1.zip' and clicked on it, the following folder and files will be created:
000001011 -Mokin Glott, Barbarian - start Baldur.bmp Baldur.gam Baldur.sav Portrt0.bmp Portrt1.bmp Worldmap.wmp
When you run the game, the following game name should appear in your saved games list (probably at the end):
Mokin Glott, Barbarian - start
How are the file names structured?
BG II saved game file names all start with 9 digits, a space and a hyphen. Everything after that is the name of the game you typed in when saving the game. Example: "000001011 -Mokin Glott, Barbarian - start"
The game numbers start with 000000002 as 000000000 and 000000001 are reserved for 'Autosave' and 'Quicksave'. I started my game file names with 00001011 to avoid conflct with existing games.
My first character (the Barbarian) got 1011 (skipping the first four zeros for brevity and readability). My second character (the fighter Shandon Faire) got 1021. Note that I use the last digit as a subset for a specific class. Thus, Mokin got 1011 (start), 1012 (promenade) and 1013 (party). Similarly Shandon got 1021, 1022 and 1023 (start, promenade and party respectively).
A few characters got an extra saved game or two (the dual-classed characters) and one (Raspin Caine) got only two saved games. His party consisted of the NPCs that emerged from the dungeon so there was no need to create a separate party file. Actually, Raspin did get three links to files but the second and third link (promenade and party) point to the same file.
Why didn't you make one giant zip file of all the game files and portraits?
Not enough disk space; not enough time. Does anyone really want all of them anyway?
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